Wednesday, February 10, 2010

7 Tips to Overcome Depression

If you are struggling to overcome depression, know that you are not alone in your struggle. In fact, at any moment there are millions of others living with this mood disorder. Thousands of researchers have spent millions of dollars conducting studies that have shown what does and doesn't work to alleviate depression.

Some of these studies have supported the traditional therapy regimen consisting of prescription antidepressants and psychological counseling. Other more recent studies have shown that a large number of people have participated in traditional therapy but found no relief for their mood disorders. This is because many stop taking antidepressants due to the unpleasant side effects.

Experts are now coming around to the fact that there are alternative remedies that have helped many find relief from depressive symptoms. These range from herbal remedies, supplements, acupuncture, massage therapy, talk therapy, and many others.

Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another, but for every depressed person there is a remedy or treatment that can overcome depression. The following are a few tips to help anyone who is struggling to overcome depression:

Talk to someone. Many people tend to withdraw when they become depressed, but this is the time when you need to be with other people the most. Find a supportive person to talk to and express your feelings, as keeping all your feelings bottled up inside can cause them to fester and make you feel worse.

Get Started Taking Supplements. Many experts believe depression is caused from a chemical imbalance in the brain, and this can be brought on by a lack of proper nutrition. Taking supplements can give the brain a kick start to better chemistry and make you feel better.

Eat a Proper Diet. When we are depressed or anxious, it is hard to resist reaching for processed foods high in sugar and fat. The best way to counter the urges is to keep healthy food around at all times, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein. Eating a proper diet will give your body the nutrition it needs for good brain chemistry.

Walk 30 Minutes a Day. Studies have proven that walking just 30 minutes a day can be just as effective in alleviating depression as taking antidepressants. In fact, some mental health experts are now incorporating the exercise of walking into their treatment regimen. Walking for 30 minutes can give an immediate lift in mood, so if you are seeking immediate results, this is a good exercise.

Spend Time Outdoors. Depressed individuals often find it difficult to get outside and leave the safe haven of home. Once they are outside, however, they usually start feeling better. We are intended to walk among nature, and doing so can give an immediate surge in feeling good. Just sitting outside for a while and listening to the sounds of nature can give positive results.

Practice Meditation. This has been found to alleviate all manner of disorders in people, including mood disorders. Practice meditating at least several times a week, and see how much better you feel.

Do Something You Enjoy Every Day. It's easy to get in the habit of rushing here and there, doing for others, and never taking the time to do the things we enjoy. But this is important for your emotional well being. You must first take care of yourself and then you'll be better able to care for others. Find some time every day to do something enjoyable, whether it is reading a book, going to the gym, or watching a movie.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Here Are Controversial Anxiety Self Help Techniques You Will Never See Anywhere Else

Are you looking for anxiety self help techniques? Well keep reading because today I am going to give you one technique that you will probably never see anywhere else again.
These anxiety self help techniques simply involve - changing your thoughts. I call them controversial for the following reasons. Today's society is addicted to easy quick fixes, what people want are magic pills and fixes that will solve their problems instantaneously without any problems. What they don't want to do is hard work and the problem is that all these quick fixes DO NOT WORK. No amount of pills you stuff into yourself will solve deep underlying problems.

I'll never forget this quote from Shakespeare's Hamlet, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". What this means is that we are often a prisoner of our own thinking. If you wake up in the morning thinking negative thoughts and expecting bad things to happen then guess what? You're going to have a pretty lousy day.

Your reality is created by your thoughts and to change your reality and overcome anxiety you must change your thoughts. Next time you have to do something that makes you anxious instead thinking something like, "This is horrible I can't cope I can't do this I'm going to look so stupid" STOP yourself and replace those thoughts with something more empowering like, "This will be great I can do it I want to do it I'm going to have a great time".

At first this will be hard because of cognitive dissonance, but if you persist it will soon become a habit and you will find yourself changing in the most profound ways imaginable.

If you enjoyed this article on anxiety self help techniques please visit my website by following the links below. There you will find more ways to overcome anxiety as well as a state of the art method for eliminating panic attacks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Overcome Panic Attacks With These 3 Self Help Methods

If you are looking for ways on how to best overcome panic attacks, your first step should be to get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional. Once you have been properly diagnosed you can then decide on your chosen method of treatment. The majority of people opt for self-help methods to help them overcome panic, anxiety or phobias rather than using mind numbing substances and drugs. Here are 3 things to help you overcome panic attacks without the use of dangerous and dependent drugs.

1 - Identify What Triggers The Anxiety Attack

These attacks are triggered when you have "above normal" anxiety levels. For some people that could mean - driving in traffic, shopping in large crowds, being stuck in an crowded elevator or even getting ready for an exam. What causes this anxiety - is the added stress element - which essentially can push your overboard.

Your mind sees this as "potentially" harmful and dangerous and sets about a series of chemical reactions in your mindset to help you "fight" or "flight" the situation. This is often called the "fight or flight" response which we all have instilled in us and helped us during earlier primeval times.

But in your in case - there was no threat or danger- except an increase in your anxiety levels but your brain doesn't have time to investigate what is really going on - it just presumes the worst case scenario and sets off the "fight or flight" response. The chemical reactions your brain sends off, result in the symptoms you generally experience during a panic attack.

You often hear this advice but what does it really mean? It means having a positive attitude when faced with a panic attack. This is another step towards helping you overcome panic attacks. During an attack, your mindset is in a negative state - by forcing and changing your mindset positively - you can shorten the attacks and the intensity of the symptoms. Anyone that has suffered an attack is only too aware of the difficulty of this task but those who have successfully managed this know that it can be done. By now you are fully aware that an anxiety attack cannot cause you any harm and you know what causes them. You have all the information to help you face your next attack head.

This is an essential step in helping you overcome panic attacks naturally. Do you recall learning how even a small increase in your stress levels on top of your existing high levels of anxiety triggered the "fight or flight" response causing you to experience the symptoms of a panic attack? Well your "fear" of experiencing another anxiety attack acts in a similar way.

Anyone who experiences panic attacks has a conscious or subconscious fear of another. And it is of little surprise that the symptoms are so frightening. This fear contributes to your already high levels of anxiety - which further increases the likelihood of bringing on another attack. Fear by itself and even worse - when combined by with an everyday stressful situation, can set off the body's "fight or flight" response triggering a panic attack. This cycle must be broken in order for your to fully recover and overcome panic attacks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Overcome Anxiety - The Art of Overcoming Your Anxiety

Overcoming anxiety involves thinking and doing things backwards than you are used with. You simply figure out what you were doing so far and start doing the exact opposite things. Here are a few examples:

1. Replace your destructive behaviors with constructive behaviors.

If you find yourself not sleeping enough, get way more sleep. If you use alcohol in order to feel confident, get rid of the alcohol and start taking concrete steps to improve your confidence.

2. Say Yes to what counts.

When you talk with people or when you think about doing something or not, your attitude should be one of "YES!".

- Yes! I want to go to the party.
- Yes! I approach that attractive person.
- Yes! I introduce myself to that group of socially savvy people.

3. Say "No!" to what most people say "Yes".

- No! I don't want to re-watch the last 50 television shows.
- No! I'm not going to log for the 20th time today on Facebook to change my status instead of going out.
- No! I refuse to stay at home today.

As you can notice, saying "NO!" can be a very useful and empowering tool. You should use the power that comes with saying "No!" wisely and often.

4. Give without any expectations.

When you are in a social situation, you should have an attitude of "I give good energy. I'm a happy person and people around me are also affected by my energy." You don't try to cheer people up. You are affecting them without saying a word. You just need to feel positive. Emotions are contagious. Make sure you don't pass the above tips. Integrate them into your life and enjoy your new outlook on life.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Panic Attack Treatment - Drugs Versus Natural Remedies, Which Way Can Completely Cure Panic Attacks?

When it comes to panic attack treatment, there are two common options available and these include natural therapy and medical drugs. Before settling on one option, it is very important that you know the main causes and triggers of the attacks. The causes of panic attacks are subjective in the sense that there is no defined cause of these anxiety attacks and furthermore, the causes range from one person to the other. Nevertheless, the main causes are often associated with the psychological status of an individual rather than a physical condition or ailment.

Panic attack treatment should start as soon as the first few symptoms of anxiety begin to manifest themselves. Early treatment will ensure that you prevent the condition from aggravating into a more serious disorder such as panic disorder. Some of the most common symptoms associated with anxiety attacks are usually confused with those that cause heart attack and this is due to their similarity. These symptoms include rapid and uncontrollable breathing, increased heartbeat rate, chest pain, sweating and dizziness among many other symptoms.

Early panic attack treatment allows you to take control of your life and ensure that you are not a prisoner of anxiety. Anxiety often leads to behavioral and lifestyle change, whereby sufferers tend to avoid certain places, scenarios and shun their friends and even family members for fear of triggering another attack. However, a good treatment technique will enable anxiety attack sufferers to overcome these tribulations.

As mentioned earlier, panic attack treatment falls into two common categories. The first category involves the use of medical drugs such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs. These drugs include benzodiazepines, Tricyclic antidepressants and Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors. Sadly, these drugs and others are only effective in reducing the number of anxiety attacks rather than solving the problem of the attacks, permanently.

Panic attack treatment using natural techniques is the best option available. This is because natural techniques work more effectively as compared to medical drugs. Not only do these techniques solve the problem permanently but they are also an inexpensive way to treat anxiety and anxiety attacks. In fact, it takes just a few minutes to implement these techniques and you could be on your way to recovery much sooner than later.

Natural techniques used in panic attack treatment include, breath control, meditation, exercises and yoga among many other techniques. Cognitive therapy is another suitable way to cure general anxiety and anxiety attacks.